Tracey & Tom's Family Farm Wedding in Gembrook

Tracey & Tom had their wedding on a family farm in Gembrook, Victoria. It was the first wedding I've shot where neither the bride or the groom were wearing shoes.

Star Wars emerged a few times during the day. The first was the Star Wars theme song as Tracey walked down the aisle. The next was the wedding cake which featured Lego Star Wars characters.

For the camera geeks out there, this was my second wedding using the Sony A7 + Sony A7II set-up. I used four lenses: the Ziess Batis 85 f1.8, Ziess 55 f1.8, Sony 28 FE f2.0, and an adapted Micro-NIKKOR 55mm f3.5.

Which lenses did I use the most in this shoot?

As you can see, I find myself continuously reaching for the 85 f1.8. I also own the Sony 28-70 and the Ziess 16-35 f4. Since my new 28mm lens arrived, I'm finding myself reaching for the zooms less and less. There is something really special about shallow DOF at wide angle that only wide primes can acheive.

I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do! These are really some of my favourites.


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